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What The Pros Are Saying

“The Miami dance industry is booming right now, so I'm excited to be able to bring Tae Talent into IDE for our monthly auditions. Not only to find fresh, new talent, but because I can confidently say after completing the experience, an IDE member is someone I feel confident booking."
“Graduating performing arts school, I knew a lot about dance, however I was completely lost upon entering the entertainment industry. Huge conventions were great for my training, but I was lacking a mentor for career guidance. This experience is truly what my younger self needed."
“Training in a variety of styles and with different teachers sets you up for success in a collegiate and professional dance environment. Opportunities like IDE are important so that young dancers can stay a step ahead in this brilliant and competitive dance world."
Amanda Tae
Casey Rosenberg
Stephanie Mas
"As a former pro sports dance coach, I’ve watched countless dancers struggle to make their dream dance team and to meet the expectations required of them even when they do book the job. IDE will not only prepare dancers to make the team, but to thrive once they do."
"Saying that you dance 'professionally' takes more than talent! It takes discipline, humility, personality, the constant need to grow and, most importantly, understanding that this is a BUSINESS! IDE will help you prepare for and stay in the field!"
“It is essential to be able to navigate your training and marketing in the requisite direction to achieve your goals as a professional artist. As an aspiring dancer, I wish that I had access to the numerous tools and resources the Immersion Dance Experience provides its members."
Nicole Kardys
Michael Rosales
Andrew Mulet